How To Narrow Down Relevant Hashtags To Widen Your Exposure

It is crucial to know whether you’ve used the correct hashtags in your area of expertise. Just imagine this scenario – you’re a consumer looking for a blue dress to wear to a party this weekend. Would you search for keyword ‘blue’ or ‘blue dress’?

Using a filter function called RiteTag, I would be able to locate the best hashtags for my own personal branding. All I have to do is sign in my Twitter (or Facebook) handle, and a breakdown of all my hashtags will appear in red, blue or green boxes. The different colors symbolise how often these hashtags are being used – Blue represents ‘Underused’, Green represents ‘Good’ and Red represents ‘Overused’.

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In my case: There are several hashtags with blue boxes, which represent good hashtags that will give me good exposure for my tweets. #Halloween is in a green box and thus its a an excellent hashtag that would give my tweets huge exposure (because less people are fighting to be spotted with this hashtag). However, #Giveaway is in a red box, thus it signifies over-usage as this hashtag is being used by too many people, thereby having less chances for my tweets to be exposed.

Question to the floor: What are your preferred methods to know which hashtags are best for you?

Source: How to Identify Relevant Hashtags for Your BusinessRitetag

11 thoughts on “How To Narrow Down Relevant Hashtags To Widen Your Exposure

  1. Thanks for the post! I am still struggling to understand the whole hashtag trend. You’ve helped me a lot! I never knew hashtag is so complicated and useful to gain digital presence. I used to just hashtag random words that’s somewhat associated to what I’m posting. This is very useful for a smaller company to gain followers. Good job!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hey Ben, yes it is! Marketing in the future, or rather, the Digital Age, ought to be just like this. Precise and easy to use. Living in a fast paced life with constant bombardment of information around us, digital marketing has to evolve in order to reach to our targeted consumers effectively.


  2. Wow had no idea that things like this existed, thought most hashtags were simply created on the spot to match the business. I can see how strategic and effective twitonomy, ritetag etc would be for a business seeking maximum exposure!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. This goes to show that people are pretty smart huh, they know how to make technology work for other technology 😉 All these done so as to help us enjoy a better life, and spend better time on other things which could mean more to us!


  3. Oh wow I never realised there were websites to help you to hashtag. Having that information at your fingertips will be so helpful when using Twitter. These websites should be a marketers handbook for Twitter!!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Totally! & I wonder if there’s a Facebook or Instagram version of this. Cause I would totally dig the Instagram’s! That’ll be such a great insight for hashtag beginners using any form of social medias!


  5. I didn’t know this existed! I’ve always felt the hashtags I’ve been using are too common and over used (#instafood and #foodporn) and its not really getting me anywhere in terms of selling myself or any potential businesses I want to set up. I always assumed I could guess what to hashtag and the results have been hit and miss. This will definitely help me and any other (potential) small business owners get a start on social media. 🙂


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